Thursday, June 23, 2011

Well here goes everything...

Since I have based my blog on my life here in Hyderabad, I will firstly tell you that we have finally found a place to move into after a month of searching that is. It is a 200 yards bungalow in the suburbs of Hyderabad, near Bhittai Town. It is a two story building. Best part is that its a completely brand new house, no one has ever lived in it so its pretty much intact. I have a couple of pictures of it below.
The Entrance.

Inside of the house.
Well these are the only pictures I have right now, but I promise once we move in I will post more. InshAllah I hope it is soon. 

So the room that you can see the one in the second picture with the open door, that is going to be my room, yes I called dibs. I was thinking of giving it a rock and roll themed makeover. Yes I love rock and roll and all other type of music too but mostly rock is my preferred genre of choice.


  1. Firstly, welcome to Hyderabad.
    I have lived in Hyderabad all my life and I'm sure you'd love it here :) Hyderabad has its issues but it is a beautiful city :) I will leave that for you to judge.

    And your house is beautiful mashAllah :)

  2. Thanks Anas, you know actually I did seven years of my life in Hyderabad before shifting to Islamabad to be honest, but lets hope it is welcoming to me :)
